Fashion Quick Tips for Fashion Emergencies

Hey Fashionistas,

So while perusing through MSN for my daily news intake I stumbled across a fabou fashion video about last minute quick fixes for every fashionista. Of course I watched it because as women we often need last min tips to bring and keep our look all together. So here's some of the things that I thought stood out (and will be buying).

  1. Blot & go with Japanese blotting papers by Tatcha
  2. These are great for both oily and dry skin types and can be used to preserve your morning look throughought the day while adding a few benefits to your skin. You can get them from ;30 sheets for $12 or 90 sheets for $30 dollars.
2. Hem your pants in a snap...literally
  This is for all the fashionistas who need a quick hem to their jeans or pants but don't necessarily have the time or the money. The people from have created the world's first adhesive, removable, and reusable snap that provides an instant hem or fix to your attire at the cost of $22...nice

3.Fold-up flats
I fell in love with these cute and foldable ballet slippers(that can fit in a clutch) when I saw them on the video. They come in black or silver for just $14.99! Check out for the dainty flats as well as other cute and quick ideas for "wardrobe malfunctions


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