Men wearing Kilts, Skinny Jeans, & Meggings...Oh My!

So I was watching the Tyra Banks show yesterday and at some point she had a mini fashion show showcasing haute trends for women and men for the fall/winter season. As former ANTM contestants modeled pieces like cute boyfriend sweaters and androgynous suits the men modeled kilts, skinny jeans, and meggings. Apparently, men wearing kilts, skinny jeans, and meggings are in. I mean I know men wearing skinny jeans are in because I've seen petite men wearing them all over the place but kilts and meggings?

Now kilts are a scottish tradition  and that's fine but what about passing it as a fashion trend in the US? Hmm and although Marc Jacobs is one of the designers who debuted kilts on the runway, it still looked very awkward seeing this sexy "manly" man on the Tyra Show wearing a "haute" kilt. I know that fashion is all about art, expression, & reinventing the wheel but men wearing kilts? IDK. It takes an extremely bold and confident gent to feel comfortable wearing one of these. This trend will take some time getting use to..

On to meggings which are leggings for men. This trend has taken Tokyo, Paris, London, and now NY by storm. Grown men are wearing meggings not just to keep warm but as fashion statements. Some wear them under shorts while others are wearing them as an alternate to jeans, trousers what have you.  I would need to desensitize myself to this trend as well but it would be easier to accept meggings than kilts.

This year has been the year of androgynous pieces. It is more common and cute to see a woman in boyfriend jeans, sweaters, and pant-suits but what about the other way around? Is it as easily acceptable to see our male counterparts in skinny jeans, kilts, and meggings or should the androgynous look only cater to women?


Anonymous said...

I dont know how I feel about guys in kilts and skinny jeans, doesnt really seem right

Anonymous said...

obviously you guys are not familiar with scotland and haven't seen brave heart and try asking 10 gay men if they're up to wearing kilts 7 out of 10 would decline coz they know it's a man's garment.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure I like the look of these outfits. I don't really think men should even wear skinny jeans, let alone kilts as a fashion statement. Maybe I'm just getting old.

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